• Catalina Ruiz Domínguez Srita
  • Isidoro Cabrera Rodríguez Universidad del Valle, Colombia
Keywords: botany, ethnolinguistics, phytonyms, Vichada


Plant and animal common names are used for practical purposes by local communities and can be seen as a tool for biocultural identity and appropriation. The information collected in the field of common names of some plant species of open savanna and gallery forests in the Vichada department, where the Guahibo or Sikuani communities are located, is presented. Based on a review of identified and corroborated herbarium specimens, the common names of a total of 167 species in 61 plant families are included in this document. A correspondence was found between the families with the highest number of species named by the Guahibo communities and those registered in previous works on the floristic richness in gallery forests and open savanna in the Vichada department.


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