Conocimiento local sobre el uso de plantas nativas para el control del piojo de la gallina en fincas agrícolas de Guayas, Ecuador
Local knowledge on the use of native plants for the control of the chicken louse on farms in Guayas, Ecuador
Often, hens raised on traditional farms are infested with lice, Menacanthus stramineus and Menopon gallinae, which alters the production of eggs and meat causing economic and nutritional losses to the producer family. Even when there is little information about natural control of chicken lice, in some farms of Mariscal Sucre, Guayas - Ecuador, ethnobotanical knowledge is applied to control these ectoparasites. The aim of this study was to rescue the local knowledge concerning plants as control method in order to promote their use and conservation. Semi-structured interviews were conducted on fifty-six farms (under 10 ha); botanical samples were collected, herborized and identified by experts consulting and comparison with literature and specialized web pages. The lice were identified according to taxonomic keys and by comparison with related publications. The data was evaluated using descriptive statistics and the Level of Significant Use (Tramil). Only 18 interviewees between 30 and 71 years old, 10 men and 8 women, knew about plant control of chicken louse. Five species of native plants (Ambrosia peruviana, Porophyllum ruderale, Muntingia calabura, Lippia alba and Verbena litoralis) and one endemic (Aristeguietia glutinosa), belonging to three families (Asteraceae, Verbenaceae and Flacourtiaceae) were reported. To repel lice, interviewees put branches of these species in chicken nests until the chicks leave. According to the Level of Significant Use (Tramil), Ambrosia peruviana and Porophyllum ruderale had greater cultural acceptance. This is a report about the use of native species for lice control in Mariscal Sucre farms, and shows its importance in the care of hens. This information will contribute to design plant conservation strategies, phytochemical studies and usage diffusion plans.